Equipment options

BIBER.3000 / 3500
The standard version of the BIBER cutting robot has a reach of 2,000 mm. The BIBER.3000 and BIBER.3500 werde developed so that users with particularly large components can also benefit from the economical cutting system for automatic weld seam preparation.
Thanks to a larger, reinforced cantilever console in combination with a reinforced runway, the BIBER.3000 / 3500 has a significantly longer range of up to 3,000 mm resp. 3,500 mm.
Cutting table

In the BIBER cutting system, the components are placed on a table with intelligent suction flap control that has been especially developed ...
Camera system intelliplace

BIBER cutting systems can be equipped with the intelliplace camera system, which significantly increases productivity. In BIBER systems ...
Crane monitoring

With the crane monitoring function, cranes can be integrated into the system. Robot and crane are automatically controlled so that ...
TCP checking unit intellitool
intellitool classic

The TCP measuring unit can be used to check the cutting torch TCP (Tool Center Point) and its orientation. In the standard intellitool ...
intellitool profi / premium

When using the semi-automated profi version, the robot only has to be moved manually to the checking unit. The complete inspection ...
Air filtering system

Our fine dust filters with horizontally arranged cartridges are especially designed for thermally charged fine dusts. The models with cyclone pre-separators ...
Partition wall

The cutting table of the profiBIBER system can be divided with a partition wall. You can choose between a partition wall that can be transported by crane or that can be moved by ...
Soundproof housing

The workspace of the cutting robot can optionally be completely enclosed. The components are then supplied via a shuttle table that can be ...
Pressure booster for
plasma power source

For punctual areas of application that require a higher pressure than is available in the ring main, we offer ...
Lighting control

A new interface has been created for the BIBER robot cutting system that makes it possible to control the hall lighting with the cutting robot ...